Thursday, January 14, 2010

Caught in the Web, By Nancy Krulik. Review by Kendall R.

The book I reviewed is called Caught In The Web by Nancy Krulik. Overall, I thought it was a good book! The main characters in the book Caught in The Web are Jenny, Chloe, Liza, Marc, Sam, Marilyn, and Carolyn. They go to school at Joyce Kilmer Middle School, and want to produce a web cast. They aren't popular and they want attention. Also, they just want to have a fun time with each other doing something they all enjoy. They start to plan it and it turns out to be a big success! Of Course, the popular kids HAVE to be the center of attention, and start their own webcast too. Now they are both fighting to see who will have the best show. The popular kids have a fashion show, while Jenny, Chloe, Liza, Marc, Sam, Marilyn, and Carolyn have a karaoke contest. The contest is to see who will turn out to be number one at Joyce Kilmer Middle School. I recommed this book to anyone who likes competion. It was a good, exciting, and interesting book. It is mainly a girl book though, so most boys would not like it. All in All, I really liked this book and I hope you deciede to read it!

Review By: Kendall

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kendall,

    I really enjoyed your book review! I am interested in reading this book because I love competition since I am on a hockey team. I liked how you put good detail in this book review. I also like how you did not just state something and move on to something else with out giving an example. I think you did a great job.
