Title - Breaking Dawn
Author - Stephenie Meyer
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer is a book of many things. The theme is action and romance. Breaking Dawn is fiction that has many locations throughout the story. Some locations are Forks/Washington, La Push/Washington, Bella Swan's house, the Cullen's house, Jacob Black's house, and Esme Isle. The plot is about a girl and a boy falling in love and the challenges they face in their love story. The time period is present day and Bella Swan has just married Edward Cullen. They are going on their honeymoon to Esme Isle. When something happens and they get in trouble with vampire royalty, the Volturi, a battle takes place. Thankfully their friends, the Quileutes, are there to help the Cullens. Bella, a nineteen year old girl, for the most part is the one telling the story and is the main character. She has brown hair and has lived in Forks for almost four years now. Breaking Dawn is one of my favorite books because of how romantic it is. I also enjoyed how great, descriptive, and action packed the story was. The book is mostly for girls so I don't recommend it for boys. Also, ask your parents before reading.
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