Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Brian's Hunt by Gary Paulsen- Reviewed by Ryan V.

The story Brian's Hunt is a fictional story by Gary Paulsen. It is the third book in the series. Brian's Hunt is a very scary book that is full of suspense towards the end. In my opinion I feel that this book would appeal to anyone that enjoys reading bone chilling stories. Brian is sleeping one night and he hears barking noises. He goes out to look and sees a dog on the other side of the lake. He gets into his boat and he goes slowly towards it because he isn't sure if the dog has rabies. He walks slowly toward her and notices a wound and blood on the dog that he thinks was caused by a bear attack. Brian sews a patch like a bandage on the dog. Brian isn't sure whose dog it is but he befriends the dog. Then one day Brian decides to go visit his friends on the other side of the lake. He finds out that the mom,dad and three dogs were eaten by bears . Brian is shocked to learn that the dog he found and cared for was the fourth dog that was almost eaten by a bear. He starts to look around and finds his friend a teenage girl named Susen scared to death ,hiding in a raft on the lake. Brian saves her and finds out that the other two kids at the time of the attack were visiting their aunt. Susen calls for help and three planes come immediaely to help her and take her back to her aunts. Brian stays with the dog to attempt to go out and kill the devil bear. Will Brian and the dog die or will they suceed in killing the devi bear? You'll just have to read it to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan,good, solid post. The cliffhanger at the end of the review was very suspenseful, and made me want to read the book. This sounds like a very interesting book, and hopefully one day I will read this book.
