Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rules by Cynthia Lord

Have you ever read the book, Rules by Cynthia Lord? It's a great Non-Fiction story that you don't want to miss out on! I could not put the book down! The main charactor is a twelve year old girl named Catherine that is loving, forgiving, shy, helpful,and just a down right awesome girl!! She has a little brother named, David that has autism and embarrasses Catherine in public like, in the video store. She meets a girl next door that just moved in and her name is, Kristi. She also meets a boy that can not talk with words. She met the boy (Jason) from the opitic that she helps with writing words for his word cards. The plot of the whole awesome story was to help others and be forgiving and try different things! I really love the book and it was the best MCBA book I ever read so far of all the MCBA's!!! I recommend this book to anyone. Trust will LOVE it. That's all for now and have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Posted by Grace

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