Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Marley- A Dog Like No Other by John Grogan

Marley-A Dog like No Other a biography by John Grogan tells the true story of Marley, his yellow Labrador retriever. John writes the book as himself and explains his crazy experiences with Marley, a dog who is difficult to live with because of his non-disciplined ways. Leaving John and Jenny questioning whether or not to keep Marley in their lives. The book takes place in southern Florida, where it is always sunny. John and his wife Jenny adopt Marley as a puppy. A few years later, John and Jenny have 3 kids. Marley has some habits that are different from most dogs. But besides his weird antics, Marley is a lovable, friendly dog. He teaches this family the true meaning of love and being “A man’s best friend.” I thought this story was very touching because even when Marley was being a pain, they still loved him anyway. Also, I thought it was touching because I can relate to this story because I also had a dog with similar traits and behaviors. I also thought this book was humorous. With the weird and crazy things Marley gets into, it made me laugh out loud! I think dog-lovers will love this book!
Submitted by Hannah

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