Friday, October 30, 2009

Icefire by Chris d'Lacey

Icefire by Chris d'Lacey
Review by Jackson

Icefire is an excellent fiction book by Chris d’Lacey that is the sequel to the book The Fire Within. It is about a boy named David Rain who is a tenant at the Pennykettle’s house. David is an 18 year old boy who is very smart. He is in a geography course at Scrubbley College. He can be very lazy at times but he wants everything to be alright and he cares about others. The only problem about where he lives is that Mrs. Pennykettle and her daughter Lucy sculpt clay dragons that come alive. He is starting to understand about dragons. Although, it is still a big mystery to him and he is trying to figure it out.

When David first came to the Pennykettle’s house, they made him a special writing dragon named Gadzooks. This dragon writes things on his writing pad to help David figure out mysteries or problems he has. One day Lucy made a wishing dragon for David called G’reth. G’reth can grant David any beneficial wish about his surroundings anytime he wants to. One day David wished he knew where the fire tear was. The fire tear is the auma (energy) of the last real dragon on earth (not made out of clay). When the dragon died, it dropped its tear and a girl named Guinevere caught it. She hid it and nobody ever knew where it was from that day forward. After that wish, an evil lady named Gwillanna appeared at their house. David, Lucy and Zanna (a college friend of David that he likes) figured out who she is and what her plans are. They then decide they must stop her to protect themselves and the rest of the dragon world
from a bad ending.

In my opinion, this is a great book if you like surprises and action. Although, it can be hard to read at times, I still highly suggest it to you. It’s one of the best books I’ve read this year! Have fun reading it!By Jackson

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