1.) Get a cell phone.
She was basically the only one in her grade without a cell phone and she felt so left out of all the texting conversations.
2.) Stay home alone.
3.) Get my own screen name so I can IM.
4.) Shave my legs.
5.) Go to the mall with Annabelle and NO parents.
6.) Wear makeup.
7.) Get a pet.
8.) Babysit.
9.) Get my ears pierced.
10.) Get contact lenses.
11.) Attend Natalie Karp's boy - girl brithday party.
12.) Meet Jake Harrison
And in case you don't know who Jake is, well you obviously don't know who he is because he's a made up character in my book, but he's a movie star and he comes to her school to film a movie.
Well, I'm not going to give all the funny and cool stuff that happens in this book away. But, when Rory does most of the stuff on the list, it goes wrong! She either gets an allergic reaction or loses her phone right when she gets it. It's quite funny though. One of my favorite parts was after she presented her "FINALLY" presentation and her parents already knew that she wanted a phone so they gave her this phone with only two buttons on it. I started cracking up. But eventually, her dad gives in and she goes to get another phone but since her parents are really strict, she only gets a phone thats a flip and it has a GPS tracking devise on it. What the really funny part is that the number she got was once a Johnny's Pizzera place and tons of people call her cell to order pizza! It's wicked funny. Overall, this was definitely one of my favorite books out of all the books I've read. And trust me, I've read a lot of book! So take my advice and read it if you like funny and realistic books about girls your age!
Reviewed by: Kaitlyn M.
thank you for the reveiw because with out it i wouldn't have it today