Monday, November 2, 2009

The Golly Whopper Games by Jody Feildman

The Golly Whopper Games by Jody Feildman

Review by Jacob

The plot of this story is about a boy named Gil Goodson who wants to play in the Gollywhopper games. They are kind of like the Olympics, but it's about a toy factory.

Gil is a 12-year-old boy. He's normal sized, and he meets a friend named Bianca who is tall, arrogant, and wants to become a model.

I liked this book because Gil goes through a ton of things like running into bullies and losing his ticket to get into the stadium. But Gil gets through all of it.

The competition isn't only about physical games, though. You have to take tests and do puzzles and a whole lot more. What they do is get an envelope and read what it says. Then it will say a brainteaser like, "'My coat keeps me the warmest during this January freeze,' bragged Tracy." If the above sentence equals zebra, what does the following sentence equal? "The pain in Matthew's elbow lingered through the month of March." And it's bowling. Then if you get the question right you have to do what they call a stunt. The first stunt they did was, "You must knock down all five pins, and stand behind the red line. You can bowl asm any bowls as you want and your best bowler can do most of the bowling."

This is a great story by Jody Feildman.

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